Remastered lewds


Not long ago I decided to redraw a lewd pic from 2012 and the difference is crazy.

2012pornREMAKEcomparisonIt’s not fair, because the 2012 one was kinda sketchy and not cleaned out. But still! Look at it 🙂

Also my t-shirts with the “POPULAR WITH CHICKS”-design arrived in my home towns place. I can’t wait to wear them!

After the break you’ll find the NSFW version.

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I ate too much meat last week

It was really a little bit excessive. I went with my brother and a friend of mine to a spare ribs all-you-can-eat. Geez. And BBQ with some friends on friday… and of course I drove home to my parents this weekend to eat more meat. I really feel a little bit bloated and I guess I’ll be eating some more veggies this week and trying to throttle my meat consumption. Oh dear…. I remember once, that I wanted to reduce eating meat but last week was really overkill. I do feel bad about it.

On the day of the BBQ, it was held in my faculty. For fun, I went to one of the lecture halls (of course the most visited one) and drew some art on the blackboard:

Really felt good. I took my time and drew on in peace to produce something nice and decent haha. I’m playing around with the thought to do that every friday, since there are only a few lectures on that day.
Drawing on the blackboard really has its own sensation. Because I’m not used to draw on a space that big, I was erasing lines often. It was still satisfying, like the good kind of putting effort and work into something. Not like my chemistry studies haha.

I haven’t been drawan lately


I haven’t been drawan much lately. On workdays I spend most of my time preparing myself for my exams and in the weekend I’m working at the delivery service.

Kinda ech. As always I want to have more time drawan. I guess I’m pretty much repeating myself from post to post haha.

On other news, I ordered some “Popular with chicks” T-shirts! I can’t wait till they arrive! Wanna wear it so badly haha.

Also started to play Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright on Lunatic after finishing the Hard mode. It’s very frustrating to play at some points… It’s not like the past Fire Emblems. Like way too many new stuff and the difficulty is definitely raised in general.