Feeling unmotivated


Forgot to post this one, but I am not really proud of it anyway. Yuck. Click on it to see the full NSFW pic. The next piece will be better:


I also tried to sketch while on my way to work but it does not really work that well. But I still try to draw everytime when I am on the subway, though.

I also made this little silly comic about a coookie:


Yuck. Anyway I feel tired and unmotivated a lot. Should probably also do more for my PhD but coming home I don’t really feel like doing more… Probably a good thing but then I should be drawan more, too. Ech.

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My family trip to Vietnam 2019


Oh well I am done with my space lewds – took too long and I rushed the thing just to be done with it. Oh dear. I still don’t really like how I color in CSP. :,)

On some other note: I finally finished my video about my lonely travel in Japan this year:

Well as the title suggests: I was on a family trip with my family this August – I did bring my GoPro with me but didn’t shoot any footage since we were visiting relatives all the time. Have a short summary and the full lewd after the break.

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My lonely travel in Japan 2019 and my first days as a PhD student


I travelled around Japan for two weeks and made some pictures with my iPad to draw on them. The one above, obiously, is near the Fuji area – to be more specific, the picture was taken near the Iyashino-Sato Nenba (Healing Village), which is loacted near Lake Saiko, one of the five Fuji lakes.

I also made another pic, since I am too lazy to write those blog entries:


This one was taken at the Gotokuji-Temple, which is famous for all the cats placed there.

Other than my travel in Japan I actually started with my PhD already and I am getting anxieties over it. Like – oh boy. Less free time and starting to actually have more responsibility and stuff like that. Actually doing adult stuff, I guess. I just don’t feel really ready for the task but I will try my best… I guess.

Update (02.09.2019)
I took my GoPro with me and made another video about my travels – it’s now done!

Anyway, have some Japan feels after the break.

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