First day of home office amid the Coronavirus


And as you can see I am not doing anything. Sigh, I really can’t work at home. Probably gotta start tomorrow. Also a sketch I did on my iPad while laying around in bed – gotta think about drawing on an actual table often (instead of my lap and stuff – does not feel like I can properly draw but it is quite comfortable, eh).


Cool. And some sketchies and WIPs:

Also my friend Rafi came to visit us last week:

Blubba bub. Don’t feel like writing anything.

Feeling unmotivated


Forgot to post this one, but I am not really proud of it anyway. Yuck. Click on it to see the full NSFW pic. The next piece will be better:


I also tried to sketch while on my way to work but it does not really work that well. But I still try to draw everytime when I am on the subway, though.

I also made this little silly comic about a coookie:


Yuck. Anyway I feel tired and unmotivated a lot. Should probably also do more for my PhD but coming home I don’t really feel like doing more… Probably a good thing but then I should be drawan more, too. Ech.

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