I ate too much meat last week

It was really a little bit excessive. I went with my brother and a friend of mine to a spare ribs all-you-can-eat. Geez. And BBQ with some friends on friday… and of course I drove home to my parents this weekend to eat more meat. I really feel a little bit bloated and I guess I’ll be eating some more veggies this week and trying to throttle my meat consumption. Oh dear…. I remember once, that I wanted to reduce eating meat but last week was really overkill. I do feel bad about it.

On the day of the BBQ, it was held in my faculty. For fun, I went to one of the lecture halls (of course the most visited one) and drew some art on the blackboard:

Really felt good. I took my time and drew on in peace to produce something nice and decent haha. I’m playing around with the thought to do that every friday, since there are only a few lectures on that day.
Drawing on the blackboard really has its own sensation. Because I’m not used to draw on a space that big, I was erasing lines often. It was still satisfying, like the good kind of putting effort and work into something. Not like my chemistry studies haha.

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